This Community Connection Tuesday: How Do You Make a Difference in Your Community?

December 13, 2013 at 12:38 pm | Posted in Networking, Non-profits | Comments Off on This Community Connection Tuesday: How Do You Make a Difference in Your Community?

December 17 is our last Community Connection Tuesday of 2013. I hope to see all our Connect-Relate-Network members in Poulsbo (1:30-2:30 PM at Stella’s Pizza and Pasta). We’ll have a chance to connect once more before the holidays and exchange our best wishes for Christmas and a Happy New Year. Visitors are ever so welcome, too.

I also ask that each of us comes prepared to talk for a minute or two about a charitable organization/nonprofit that’s close to his or her heart – one that you support with your talent, time or treasure. Tell us about the organization and why it’s meaningful to you.

Also, I’ll remind us of the local nonprofits who have spoken to us about their activities in our community at CRN meetings during 2013.

Take some time out of your busy year end and holiday preparations to give yourself a break; share some time and fellowship with Connect-Relate-Network.

Speaking of Holiday Preparations….

Are you still in the midst of holiday shopping? If so, stay safe and sane:

o Have a list and budget to avoid overspending
o Shop with a friend of relative who will encourage you to stick to your list. (Don’t go with anyone who might urge you to just “put it on your credit card” – unless she also offers to pay your bill next month!) Support your companion in his or her goals and limits, too.
o Take care of yourself – be sure to stay hydrated and don’t let yourself get too hungry. Hunger and thirst can affect your judgment, making it hard to stick to your budget resolve. Bring some bottled water with you and perhaps a snack; a small bag of nuts and raisins might be enough to sustain you until you can have a meal.
o Wear comfortable shoes and casual clothes that let you move easily and that won’t get you overheated in crowded stores or malls.

And to stay safe: There are a number of tips to avoid becoming a victim of crime here:

So stay safe, stay sane, and stay connected with your fellow local business people at Connect-Relate-Network. See you Tuesday, 1:30 pm at Stella’s, 19980 – 10th Ave. NE, #104, Poulsbo.

posted by Elena M. Rodriguez
Pacific Press International

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