Connect-Relate-Network Meets Twice in February

February 3, 2014 at 4:10 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Connect-Relate-Network Meets Twice in February

CRN will meet twice in Poulsbo this month. However, the schedule had to shift slightly. Our founder and organizer is laid up for a while as a result of a bad fall. (Heal quickly, Mary!) So we won’t meet the first Tuesday (Feb. 4).

CRN will meet on the third Tuesday (February 18), as usual, and then again on the fourth Tuesday (February 25).

Mary has business and non profit speakers lined up. If you’re a CRN member, and part of the Facebook group, you’ll see details there.

This blog will not be as active as it has been in the past, but I’ll try to keep the events page updated each month. Check there for details on upcoming speakers and events.

Elena M. Rodriguez

Pacific Press International

Links to Learning

July 15, 2013 at 6:33 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Links to Learning

I’ve been busy learning – lots. Last week I had a phone tutorial with a young man temporarily living in Thailand (!!) on how to pull all the levers and press all the right buttons on a new website being built for my husband’s book. (No, we didn’t outsource the work – we’re working with a group of Americans, based in New York, one of whom happens to be sojourning in Thailand at the moment.)

If learning how to run a new website wasn’t enough to stretch my brain, I turned around and attended a free webinar (given by Mike Stewart, sponsored by the “Publicity Hound” Joan Stewart, no relation to Mike) on how to use your iPad (or iPhone) to make awesome videos using the iMovie app. The app isn’t free, but a good deal at just under five bucks. While the webinar was, of course, aimed at convincing me to buy Mike’s full course of instructional videos, it had enough information for someone with patience to pick up the basics of using the iMovie app. With the question and answer session, Mike and Joan stayed on for two and a half hours! I’ve got a link here to the first 90 minutes of the replay if you want to find out how you can more easily make really cool videos. (That link will be live only until midnight Tuesday, July 16 so check it now if you’re interested.) And I hope to show off some video skills soon!

This morning, I took a class on writing better dialog (for when I get around to writing my novel…someday soon…). If you’re a writer, or aspire to be a better one, you can learn so much more at the website for Writer’s Digest magazine. Even if you don’t subscribe to the magazine (as I do), you can still access many good articles at no charge. Spend a bit, and you can take some excellent classes too.

As you can see, it may be summer, most kids are out of school, but this “kid” has been going to class.

Remember to Connect with Us

You can always learn something new at Connect-Relate-Network. Please join us Tuesday, July 16 in Poulsbo or Silverdale for our Community Connection Tuesday.

In Poulsbo we’ll hear from Deborah Horn, executive director of Chuckwagon, providing nutrition to seniors (60+), delivered to homes and served at other sites throughout Kitsap County.

Our speaker in Silverdale will be Victoria Ahlfors, from Scarlet Road, a faith-based, non-profit organization serving women and girls who need support leaving the sex industry and finding a new life and hope. Scarlet Road provides services throughout Kitsap County.

Every third Tuesday at Connect-Relate-Network, representatives from non-profit or service organizations, doing good in our community, tell us about their work. We also make time for business networking and a value-adding networking exercise at every meeting. Connect with us at one of our locations!

You can always find out more about Connect-Relate-Network and our events here.

by Elena M. Rodriguez
Pacific Press International

Showing Up and Accountability

June 17, 2013 at 1:07 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Just Show Up!

Our great contemporary philosopher Woody Allen said, “Eighty percent of success is showing up.”

In order to succeed, you need to be visible. Get out and be known by your potential customers, business partners, and others who can refer you on to new business.

I recommend that you show up to network with the rest of us at Connect-Relate-Network tomorrow. It’s our third Tuesday Community Connection meeting in Poulsbo and Silverdale. Click on the Events page for details about who, when and where.

Over a couple of years of just showing up and getting known at these events, I have met dozens of potential (and a good many actual) clients who otherwise I never would have found – or who would not have found me.

Now what about accountability?

Sometimes all it takes to be accountable is to just show up! Arrive when you say you will, ready for the task at hand.

Speaking of accountability, how are you doing with your accountability partners? That question is for our Connect-Relate-Network members who came to our last meeting. Each one picked up an accountability note card along with a partner. If you haven’t already, you should be checking in with your partner right about now to see how each of you is doing on your 30-day goal. You don’t have to chastise your partner for not making progress. Instead, offer congratulations for any progress made, and encouragement to work toward completing the goal.

I want to hear from you about your experience with this exercise. Tell me in the comments here on this blog (or on our Facebook page).

Accountability Partner Notecard, copyright 2013 Pacific Press International

Each partner chooses a 30-day goal. They check in periodically over the 30-day period to report on progress and encourage each other to persevere. (c) 2013 Pacific Press International

For those who missed out, here’s a picture of the note cards we’re using to help us keep track of one 30-day goal that we’re checking in about with our accountability partners. If you’d like to try this out over the next 30 days, I’ll bring more cards with me to our next CRN meeting.

I just had a brief check in with my partner. We’re in a similar place – not as far along as we’d hoped by now, but we’re plugging away. Big ‘atta girls for both of us!

See you in Poulsbo (1:30) or Silverdale (5:30) on Tuesday (June 18)!

by Elena M. Rodriguez
Pacific Press International

Columbus “Discovered” a New World – Discover New Businesses with C-R-N

October 10, 2011 at 2:15 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Columbus “Discovered” a New World – Discover New Businesses with C-R-N

Happy Columbus Day! You can discover local businesses you didn’t know of when you attend Connect-Relate-Network first Mondays of the month business tours. A group of us did just that when business tours resumed October 3, after a summer hiatus.

We started at ChocMo in Poulsbo. If you want to be inspired – and not just by the delicious chocolates – you should hear owner Peter Crabtree’s story. While giving us a behind the scenes tour of the kitchen, where the magic happens, he told us how he planted the seeds for his business when he was a high school freshman at the West Sound Academy (where they have very astutely invited him to join the board recently).

Peter started CBC Chocolates, borrowing commercial kitchen space wherever he could, and selling to local markets. He found space for his own commercial kitchen and room for a sales counter to do a retail business out front. Last year, the space next door became available for him to expand into, and he remodeled the additional space into a beautiful, warm and welcoming café.  

Enough Chocolate to Satisfy any Chocoholic’s Jones

With the expansion, the name changed to ChocMo, now offering a menu of savory dishes, desserts, wine and beer. (ChocMo, chocolate and more?)  It’s a one stop shop for snacks, meals, desserts, and other indulgences.

Can’t sit and stay? You can still drop in to pick up a selection of fine chocolate truffles –and perhaps a bottle of sparkling wine – to take home. ChocMo is at 19880 7th Ave, Suite 102, Poulsbo.

Networkers – Don’t Miss the Next Connect-Relate-Network

 October 17 we’ll meet at Stella’s Pizza & Pasta in Poulsbo from 1:00 – 2:15 pm. Our business speaker will be Mindy (“Mega Mouth Mindy”) Byers; our non-profit speaker will be Kim McCoy from the Kitsap County HIV Aids Foundation.  See this site’s Scheduled Meetings page for more details.    

Bring lots of business cards or brochures to promote your business. This meeting is geared for networking, so come prepared to tell us who you are and what you do.

Posted by Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International                

Planes, trains, boats and automobiles

June 26, 2011 at 3:49 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Planes, trains, boats and automobiles

About this time a week ago I was on my way back home from a trip combining business with a family visit. Last Monday was a beautiful, sunny evening as my plane touched down at SeaTac. By the time I stepped through my front door I’d traveled by car, plane, light rail and ferry. I love living in the Pacific Northwest (even when it takes all day to get home).

My only problem? While away, I missed the first meeting of Connect-Relate-Network since the retirement of the master mind mondays name. But I heard it was a great re-launch with Mary West speaking on the definition of a true Master Mind group and unveiling her plans for starting up several Master Mind Groups to turbo-charge entrepreneurship in Kitsap County.  Click on MasterMind Flyer to see more about her plans, and contact her to join up.

There’s info at Scheduled Meetings  about the next exciting Connect-Relate-Network on July 18 when we host two speakers: Best selling local author and entrepreneur Patrick Snow and a non-profit representative from the Center for Cultural Exchange, Pam Cameron. A preview of that event will appear on this blog soon. See you then.

Meanwhile – any comments about the June C-R-N meeting? I’m curious to hear what you have to say.

posted by Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International

A New Name and a Red Carpet Night in Poulsbo

June 3, 2011 at 6:04 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on A New Name and a Red Carpet Night in Poulsbo
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Master Mind Mondays has a new name: Connect-Relate-Network. It’s still the best business networking opportunity in Kitsap County; the new name better describes what happens at our meetings on the first and third Mondays of each month.

Next Monday, June 6, is our business tour with a twist. It’s actually a “red carpet” event – the Premier Night for a new video about Jak’s Cafe in Poulsbo. The video was produced by Cardinal Media who’ll also be celebrating their entry into the Poulsbo Chamber of Commerce. To make this a “triple crown” evening – Jak’s Cafe is celebrating its 4th anniversary.

You’ll find out how you, too, can have your own You Tube video for your business.

There will be fun, food and beverages, and lots of new connections for you to make. Be sure to bring business cards!

Be there at 5:00 to enjoy the main events. The cafe will be open until 8pm for this special night. Jak’s is at 19355 Jensen Way in Poulsbo.

If you have questions, contact Mary West (360-509-3784).

I’ll be changing the name of this blog soon. The next time you see it, it will be Connect-Relate-Network. Meanwhile, see you at Jak’s on June 6.

Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International

ABC’s of the Fortune is in the Follow Up

May 23, 2011 at 11:55 am | Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on ABC’s of the Fortune is in the Follow Up

by Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International

We heard a value-packed talk from Shannon Bruce (The Leadership Collaborative) last week when Master Mind Mondays met up at Stella’s Pizza & Pasta in Poulsbo. Shannon shared wisdom gained in her work around the issues of Leadership, taking Action, Consistency, Doing What matters, and Connecting.

What I took away from her talk was the idea that following the path to success can be as easy as learning your “abc’s”:

  •  A is for Action – take action on your plan, do the things that matter (that is, the things that produce revenue), have a business system and use it consistently.
  •  B is for Beliefs – whatever product, service or idea you’re selling you must believe in, or you can’t sustain the energy you need to keep on selling it. If you aren’t convinced, how will you convince others?
  •  C is for Connections – enough said! It’s our theme this year. Shannon reminded us that social media – Facebook, Twitter, emails, or a blog like this – is all well and good. However, it’s no substitute for physical connection. That could be the connection of human voice to human ear over the telephone, or the even better connection of meeting in person.
Shannon Bruce Master Mind Mondays

Shannon presenting the Fortune Is in the Follow-Up

Shannon gave us a condensed preview of what she has to offer. She can provide an expanded version of Monday’s talk – with more opportunities for participation and time to absorb. Additionally, she offers training to your staff in sales skills/relationship-building. Other facets of her expertise are communications and coaching skills training along with leadership development. Here are three ways to find Shannon via the web: | coaching for leaders, teams &
networks | affordable life coaching
programs & rewarding business opportunity | blog for Mompreneurs

Our non-profit speaker was Sheila Cline who told us about the Jingle Bell Port Orchard Run/Walk for Arthritis. Sheila spoke from the heart about her daughter’s struggle with juvenile arthritis. We definitely felt her Belief in the cause for which she advocates. She told us of starting out with a team of fundraisers (Kickin’ it for Kinsey) that participated in the Seattle run/walk, but that wasn’t enough for this dedicated mom. Now she’s organized the event that will take place in Port Orchard on December 3. The $25,000 they hope to raise from the event will go to support the Arthritis Foundation’s mission to improve lives through the prevention, control and cure of arthritis and related diseases. In the Pacific Northwest alone, these diseases affect 2.2 million residents – that’s you, or someone you know.

Participants will support a serious cause, but that doesn’t mean they won’t have fun. There will be a Costume Contest and a 1K Children’s Run with the Elves in addition to the 5K Run/Walk. When you’re there for the Run/Walk on December 3, check out the other activities at Port Orchard’s Festival of Chimes & Lights. Get more information and register by surfing over to the Jingle Bell Run/Walk. You can also email Sheila at

 Master Mind Mondays Matters

A new name is coming soon – look for Mary’s announcement. Stay tuned for the details of our next meeting, on June 6th from 5:15 to 6:30 PM. It will be a business tour in East Bremerton.

Master Mind Mondays networking in Poulsbo

Master Mind Mondays met in Poulsbo at Stella's May 16

Follow up with your fellow Master Minders. Follow this blog or join the Kitsap Success group page on Facebook to stay informed and in touch. And tell me: what was your take-away from last week’s meeting?

Shannon Bruce from the Leadership Collaborative to Speak at Master Mind Mondays May 16!

April 28, 2011 at 12:53 pm | Posted in Entreprenuer, Networking, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Shannon Bruce from the Leadership Collaborative to Speak at Master Mind Mondays May 16!

 by Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International –

I’m so looking forward to this meeting – hope to get well and stay well until then! May 16, Shannon Bruce, co-founder of the Leadership Collaborative will present: The Fortune Is in the Follow-up. In today’s fast paced marketplace, it can be overwhelming and challenging to keep up with the ever-increasing demands on your time and energy. Critical factors that will contribute to your success as a business owner are sustainability and profitability. Join us at Master Mind Mondays to hear the tips Shannon will share with you on how to creatively impact your bottom line through your follow-up efforts – while experiencing fun and building meaningful relationships at the same time! 

I recently met Shannon and can’t wait to hear her presentation to us Master Minders. She’s a dynamic, vibrant woman, who clearly communicates her ideas. She’ll share some great information with us. Don’t miss this  meeting. People usually have to pay to hear what Shannon has to say. Here’s your chance to peek into her brain – for free! – at Stella’s Pizza & Pasta from 1:00 to 2:15 pm on May 16.

 More about Shannon Bruce, CPCC, PCC

Shannon Bruce the Leadership Collaborative

Shannon Bruce

She’s cofounder of the Leadership Collaborative and a catalyst for change in business using her company’s ReImagine™ process. Having experienced many personal and professional transitions in her quest for meaning and contribution, she embarked on her own journey of renewal to discover and realize her unique vocation in supporting leaders and teams in the business marketplace. Shannon’s deepest joy comes from utilizing her business acumen and professional coach training to help leaders experience personal vitality and sustainability in business for the sake of using profit for positive change in the world.

Shannon is a former CPA, Corporate Regional Operations Manager, Leader in Direct Sales and is now an Entrepreneur who uses her leadership, creativity and business development skills to call forth transformational change while bringing businesses to life. She also offers affordable group coaching to women, teens and men through her affiliation with Compass, a personal development network for individuals, leaders and companies with more than 100 employees.

Disappointment and Hope

I’m disappointed I missed Jay West’s presentation at the previous Master Mind Monday. (I was way too sick, with a bad, bad cold – still coughing but getting better every minute!) I hope to hear some of the tips he must have passed on about this whole social media experience/experiment we’re involved in.

My other hope for the near future is to see you all at the Experience Mary’s planning for May 2. (See the Scheduled Meetings  page for the details just in!)  And put Shannon’s May 16th presentation on your calendar right now!

Meanwhile, comment here to let me know what I missed last week – thanks!

Master Mind Mondays March 21 Speaker Change

March 20, 2011 at 9:01 am | Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Master Mind Mondays March 21 Speaker Change

The speaker announced for the March 21 Master Mind Monday meeting at Stella’s in Poulsbo has canceled. However, Master Mind Mondays will still meet, 1-2:15 pm, at Stella’s. A guest from a local non-profit will speak about her organization’s good work and Mary West plans to engage us all in a productive meeting around the theme of “Connections”. David McKenzie of Dream World Consulting will reschedule to present at a future meeting, probably the third Monday in July. If you prepaid for his presentation, Mary will return your check.

Master Mind Mondays People Make Better, Richer Connections

March 17, 2011 at 3:39 pm | Posted in Networking, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Master Mind Mondays People Make Better, Richer Connections

By Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International

People who attend Master Mind Mondays make stronger and richer connections, for their businesses and personally. On top of that, we learn valuable information, like at the next meeting, March 21st, when we’ll have visiting consultant David McKenzie (Dream World Consulting) speak about how to “Eliminate Objections”. More details at the end of this blog post.

First I’ll remind you (if you were there) or let you know (if you missed out) how great the past two meetings have been, starting with February 21, a fabulous forum for two speakers.

Guest speaker Brenda Wall told us about Rotary International and, more specifically, the Poulsbo Rotary. Brenda (an independent associate of Identity Theft Shield and Pre-Paid Legal Services) related some of Rotary International’s history. I’d never known where the name “rotary” came from until Brenda told us. It originated from the practice of the founding group of businessmen rotating whose office they met at each time. Hence they called themselves the “rotary” club. Founded in Chicago in the early 1900s, it has grown to be an international organization of more than 1.2 million members in over 200 countries. While it offers some opportunities for business networking, it’s loftier mission is service – to the local community and to the world. Last year the Poulsbo Rotary distributed $27,000 to good causes in our community. Rotary’s current international mission is to finally and completely eradicate polio. If you know a Rotarian – and you probably do – he or she can invite you to join. That’s the only way to become a member.

Up next was our fellow masterminder Neal Kellner (CM Travel 4Fun) who shared points of wisdom for business and personal success. His 13 points were just a warm-up. Neal was charged up to tell us about a new and inexpensive way to advertise your business on the web. Ads are laid out at no charge and can be targeted regionally, nationally or internationally. You can spend as little as $5 per day. It sounds ideal for anyone with a small advertising budget who still needs to reach more customers – and who doesn’t? Neal is happy to help fellow masterminders get started – and emphasized that he makes nothing from referring you to this business. He testified about the great results he’s had with ads for his travel agency and ads promoting a new product aimed at travelers: a “free” rental cell phone that works in countries where many of our mobile phones won’t. You can speak to Neal for more information about web advertising or the travel phone.

The March 7th gathering was just plain fun – as was intended. Mary West arranged for us to experience a private wine tasting at Eleven Winerys tasting room in Poulsbo. (Non-alcoholic beverages were also provided.) Everyone I spoke with agreed it was a well-chosen venue for getting to know each other better. There was no formal structure. We were on our own to network, and we mingled well – all that practice we’ve had pays off! I even met three new folks I had not connected with at previous MMM events – plus I joined the Eleven’s wine club. Thanks, Russ, who staffed the tasting room and did the pouring. He helped make it a great evening for everyone.

Eleven Winery makes wonderful wine – and the husband and wife owners, Matt Albee and Sarah Albee, donate 100% of their profits to charity. They also run their winery and tasting rooms as sustainably as possible. Learning more about this local business was a bonus.

I’ve found the past month of Master Mind Mondays to be both valuable – lots of learning, new connections – and pleasurable – making new friends as well as connections. If you’ve been missing Master Mind Mondays, don’t miss the next one. Here are the promised details:

When: March 21, from 1:00 to 2:15 pm

Where: Stella’s Pizza and Pasta, 19980 10th Ave, Poulsbo.

Speaker: David McKenzie, Dream World Consulting

Topic: “Eliminate Objections”

MMM is usually free, but there is a $10 charge for March 21. Mary West says, “I believe it will be the best ten dollars you spend this month!”

Contact her for more information: or phone 360-509-3784

See you next Monday!

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