Blow Up Your Elevator Speech

February 8, 2012 at 2:59 pm | Posted in Networking, Self-development | Comments Off on Blow Up Your Elevator Speech
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I said, “blow up your elevator speech” – not destroy it. When I say blow it up, I mean expand it. Write a longer script, all about you and your business. Go on at length; don’t leave out anything important (you can always shorten it later).

Granted, often you have only 30 or 60 seconds to tell someone about you, your business or product, and its value to clients. However, at many events and meetings, you’ll have time for a conversation. Are you ready to expound on your accomplishments, skills and value when you have the gift of time and an attentive listener?

Get ready by preparing a longer, fully fleshed-out script that you’ve rehearsed until you’re comfortable with all the content. (Networking job seekers should also pick up on this tip – just be sure to include your career goals in your script.)

Good Advice for Networkers OR Job Seekers

I saw this advice recently, given by Sonia Alleyne in her “Tip of the Month” column in Black Enterprise magazine. It resonated strongly with me, and I had to share it with you. She wrote:

“In an age of sound bites, elevator pitches, and 140-character presentations, I’m suggesting that you prepare a script – two to three pages of your accomplishments, desires, talents, hard and soft skills, problem-solving abilities, insights, ideas of industry projections, and goals – fleshed out with personal commentary. The truth is, you will rarely need to pitch to a desired contact in only 60 seconds – most conversations in network settings or in interviews are not conducive to the sound bite….[P]racticing constant abbreviations restricts how you see yourself – and therefore what you present to others. So practice elaborating until you’ve created a script that fully represents who you are. After that you’ll know where and when to edit.”

So go ahead – get expansive – blow it up! Be ready to explode at your next networking event.

Check our scheduled meetings page for the next Connect-Relate-Network.

Posted by Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International

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