Connecting with Less Holiday Stress

November 18, 2013 at 10:41 am | Posted in gifts, Networking, Non-profits | Comments Off on Connecting with Less Holiday Stress
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With a little more than a week to go until Thanksgiving, I’ve had to face facts: the holiday season sneaked up while I wasn’t looking. Luckily, today I can share with you a few things I’ve learned about living through the holidays with less stress and more joy. I’ll tell you here, along with how Connect-Relate-Network fits into my stress-reduction plan.

Whether we look forward to this time with joyful anticipation or with dread, none of us is immune to becoming a victim of holiday stress. What are the signs and causes?

Red ribbon tied in a christmas bow

Give yourself the gift of a stress-less holiday.

Christmas Perfect

We may feel stressed because we’re “Christmas perfectionists.” You know the signs:

  • every gift made from scratch;
  • the multi-page, single-spaced Christmas letter with photos and illustrations;
  • the 200-name Christmas card list;
  • the hostess stuck all day in the kitchen, cooking the holiday meal, instead of enjoying her guests.


Perhaps your stress stems from unrealistic expectations. The Currier & Ives-style Victorian Christmas pictured on cards is just not possible. You may not even be able to re-create the holiday of your childhood memories. Ponder this: Are you sure those memories are accurate – and do they include how stressed your parents were?

Feel the Excitement, Not the Stress

Whatever the sources of holiday stress, don’t succumb! Strategize to survive with a lower stress level – just enough to feel the excitement, but not so much to make you or those who love you unhappy, disappointed or depressed.

A Three-Point Stress-Reduction Plan:

  1. Plan Ahead – recall what was stressful about past holidays; then develop a strategy for handling these situations. Tackle your gift list now, make a budget that won’t leave you broke or in debt come January 1, and stick with your plan. Or try what my family has done for the past few years: each person choose one name out of a hat so each family member need buy only one gift for one other family member. Imagine the time, money and anxiety saved!
  2. Just Say “No” – if an activity doesn’t provide enough joy and pleasure in exchange for the hassle of participating, don’t do it. Reduce your commitments so you’ll have time to remember “the reason for the season.” (And graciously accept when others need to say “no thanks” to you.)
  3. Simplify – is it so important to compete with the neighbors to have the most lights on your house? Must you make all your desserts from scratch? A smaller tree, fewer decorations, a frozen pie baked in the oven, filling the house with spice-laden aromas, can all be just as pleasing to you and your loved ones – especially if it leaves you more relaxed and energized.

Get more useful tips I found for handling holiday stress in the Holiday Survival Guide at

CRN Can Help

Connect-Relate-Network can also help us handle holiday stress. Our members include businesses that sell gift items and services that could make your Christmas brighter – and easier. And it’s the best kind of win-win situation when we can support other local business people while checking items off our “Santa’s wish list.”

Running a business doesn’t stop during the holidays so don’t miss our next few Connect-Relate-Network meetings (first and third Tuesdays of the month, 1:30-2:30 at Stella’s Pizza and Pasta, 19980 10th Avenue NE #104, Poulsbo. This week, November 19, is our community connection Tuesday when we hear from a local non-profit doing good in our community.

If you have tips, products or services to help us through the holidays, share them below in the comments section. And come to Stella’s Pizza & Pasta in Poulsbo on November 19 to tell us in person. Bring business cards, brochures, or samples to share with your fellow networkers.

Posted by:
Elena M. Rodriguez
Pacific Press International

Author Appearances at September 3 Connect-Relate-Network

August 31, 2013 at 7:30 am | Posted in Author appearance, gifts, In-person event, Networking | Comments Off on Author Appearances at September 3 Connect-Relate-Network
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Authors Appearing in Abundance!

September 3, come hear from two local authors: Joe Raymond in Poulsbo (at Stella’s, 1:30-2:30pm) and Frank Reed in Silverdale (at Subway, 5:30-6:30 pm). They’ve got great messages we can apply both professionally and personally. As always, we will be networking with our speakers, our guests and each other – bring business cards!

Joe is the author of Embracing Change from the Inside Out: Finding Your Peach Cow. Frank’s book is In God We trust: Dollars and Sense. Both of these men have a wealth of experience and wisdom to share with all of us.

What Peach Cow?

I wondered about this peach cow when Joe first told me about it. He uses it as a metaphor, similar to Seth Godin’s somewhat more famous Purple Cow. As Godin’s purple cow stands in for what makes a business unique, Joe Raymond’s peach cow symbolizes each individual’s discovering his or her own gift that allows them to make a unique impact on the world. Joe’s country upbringing shows up in many of the lessons he includes in his book. Here he talks about nurturing seeds.

 “You were born with the seeds of greatness. When you plant a seed, you need to provide nutrients and water so that the soil is good and the seed can grow. The same is true with your own seeds of greatness. You were born dependent and vulnerable….Since children are dependent, vulnerable, and immature, their parents and other adults are responsible for their needs and growth. However, as an adult you are responsible for nurturing your own seeds of greatness.

“…[O]ne reason you do not reach your full potential is that you do not know who you are. Perhaps you allow other people or circumstances to define who you are. One way to recognize who you are is to connect with your passion.

“As a child, you knew exactly what you wanted — even though that may have changed several times a day. You did not worry about whether or not what you wanted was ‘productive’ or ‘appropriate.’ You just went for it! That was passion. Others can inspire you to greatness, but only you can define in what area you have the passion to pursue greatness, and what that greatness is.” (Embracing Change from the Inside Out, (c) 2012)

When Joe told me about the real peach cow that lived on his family’s farm, I didn’t think such a thing as a peach-colored cow existed. Since then, on a trip to Virginia, I have seen a real-life peach cow. I think she makes a great symbol for that unique gift each of us has.

 Debt Is Not Your Destiny!

Frank Reed has a powerful message for us about creating and following a Money Management Plan, which he defines as: “You learning how to manage your money, rather than having your money manage you.” Here’s a sample of what he preaches in his book about Bible-based ways of managing your financial life:

 “So often because the desire for approval by others is so important to us…we compromise what we know to be the right thing to do. Although the Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts and warns us not to make the purchase, we turn him off like a light switch. We tell ourselves — we rationalize — about all of the good this will do in our lives, for our families and others. Sometimes we even get so bold as to tell God how it will help Him (‘You know God, if I had a bigger house, then I could have the Bible study at my house, too, and God, if I had that new minivan, then I could pick up that little old lady down the street and take her to church’). The devil is a liar! We are going under in good times!

“We are drunk on spending and consumer debt is running rampant in our country. So many people are treating debt like alcohol at a social event with an open bar. We are living in a buy now/pay later society. The check is in the mail mentality. In other words, I pay when I can, if I can. We have no regard for what the Bible says, ‘Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so. Do not say to your neighbor, “Go, and come back, and tomorrow I will give it,” when you have it with you.’ (Prov. 3:27-28) The world we live in is like a financial mine field.” (In God We Trust: Dollars and Sense, (c) 2008)

And Frank is the man to lead you safely through that mine field.

I’ve turned this newsletter over to giving you a taste of what these local authors have written. Now, come out and hear them in person! Take up this opportunity to get more of their message. And here’s something you can’t do with a book that you can do at an author appearance: Ask questions!

(Frank and Joe run workshops that cost more than your monthly membership fee, so take advantage of their appearances at CRN. Not a member? Please visit! Return visitors pay $10; we welcome first time visitors at no charge to give you a taste of all the great things CRN has to offer.)

I’ll see you Tuesday, September 3, in Poulsbo and/or Silverdale. (Attend both if you can.) Come about 15 minutes early to have time to order your food if you plan to eat. More details on the Upcoming Events page.

Elena M. Rodriguez
writer & editor
Pacific Press International

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