Lessons from “The Amazon”

August 7, 2011 at 1:15 pm | Posted in business lessons, Non-profits | Comments Off on Lessons from “The Amazon”
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The Original Amazon

By now, we all know: Amazon isn’t just a South American river anymore. Watching a video presentation by amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos, I learned there were plenty of things he and his team did right, leading to the company’s amazing growth and profitability. He noted some mistakes along the way, too. (When the ordering system first went on line, it was possible for people to enter a negative quantity and receive a credit on their credit card account without purchasing anything. To any of my friends with devious tendencies: Don’t try this now – that glitch was fixed long ago.)

Bezos shared EVERYTHING he knows about succeeding in business fundamental knowledge we can all apply. Turns out, it’s four things:

1)      Obsess over your customers: The only reason Amazon exists today, Bezos said, was because they obsessed over their customers. He doesn’t suggest you ignore other factors – for example, what your competition is up to – but don’t obsess about those other things. In a contest between concentrating on the competition or obsessing about your customers, the customers should win.

2)      Invent: Invent on behalf of customers. Listen to what their problems are then come up with solutions. But the customers won’t tell you everything – invent on their behalf. It’s not the customer’s job to invent solutions.

3)      Think long term: New initiatives may take five to seven years before they pan out for your company – though they may pay off for your customers right away. If you’re sure of the path you’re on, don’t give up too soon. (He cautioned also – listen to critics. Don’t be swayed immediately, but be willing to accept when you’re wrong, and then change course.)

4)      It’s always Day One: There’s always more to do. Every day is a new day to improve your business and prove, yet again, your business’s worth and utility to customers.

It’s the Customers, Always

I looked at my notes from Bezos’ talk and saw that the four things he knows for sure all come back to the customer. If we can keep the customer – our customers – at the center of our thinking, we’re on the road to success. We may not grow as big as Amazon; we can certainly learn from what its founder knows. You can view the entire Jeff Bezos video here on YouTube.

Before you go, what do you “know for sure” about business success? Share your own lessons by commenting on this blog.

Connect-Relate-Network Meets August 15, 1:00 pm at Stella’s in Poulsbo

“The Power of WOW” is the topic our next meeting, with image coach Peggy Rose Webster presenting.  She’s helped both men and women improve their professional images, leading to increasing sales, building their businesses. Find out how improving your image – and self-image – can help you get more of those customers you want to obsess over.

We’ll also hear from Deborah Horn (of Candy Bouquet), our non-profit speaker, appearing on behalf of  Chuckwagon nutrition services for seniors.

Our events page has more information about the speakers who’ll be at Stella’s Pizza & Pasta in Poulsbo on August 15 at 1:00 pm. Because our business presenter comes from outside our area, there will be a one-time $5 per person fee. We’re expecting a large turnout – and space at Stella’s is limited. To be sure to get a seat, RSVP soon to Mary West (mary@createyourowndestiny.com).

posted by Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International


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