Pat McFadden’s Holiday Financial Survival Tips

December 4, 2009 at 3:39 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Pat McFadden’s Holiday Financial Survival Tips

blogged by Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International

I just read a great article on financial survival during the holidays on the Kitsap Peninsula Business Journal’s website, written by Pat McFadden. Pat has been attending Master Mind Mondays recently — and she’ll be our in person presenter on December 14th. She’ll be speaking about “Making Sense of Retirement.” Read her piece in the Journal, and be sure to attend her presentation later this month.

Prophets Equal Profits: “Minister of Finance” Frank Reed tells how

December 1, 2009 at 3:00 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment
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by Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International

When was the last time you consulted the Bible for principles to guide you to financial prosperity and career success? Frank Reed, author and speaker, gave an in-person presentation at the Nov. 30th Master Mind Mondays meeting. He explained and expanded on just one of the many such principles he’s found.

He asked us to consider the motivational authors many of us know and rely on for inspiration and wisdom. Frank then pointed out how most of them are repeating knowledge which can be found in a book that’s more than 2,000 years old. For example, Zig Ziglar’s “You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want” is just a different way of saying, “You reap what you sow.” Many of us already know these principles from the Bible – we learned them as children. Frank has a way of making these ideas come alive for a modern audience.

Frank’s core message was about double-mindedness. If we say we want success, but we don’t take the actions to achieve success, we are double-minded, like the man we’re warned of in James 1:5-7. (Frank smiled when he acknowledged that, to look this up, some of us may need to blow the dust off our Bibles.)

Randi and Frank Reed

Frank’s lovely wife, Randi, was with him at this meeting. She’s usually up in the air with American Airlines as a flight attendant, so we were lucky to have her there.

Time to Decorate

Some of us grabbed the opportunity to get a head start on our Christmas decorating. Our other visitors last night were Rupert and Ani from Gaiseni Compassionate Ministries. They brought samples of the beautiful wreaths, centerpieces and swags Ani makes. Money from the sales supports their ministry for children in Romania. (I’ve got my new wreath up on the front door, as you can see right here.) Rupert and Ani are also selling Christmast trees on Sundays in Silverdale. Contact them at for more information.

Looking Ahead

December 7th we have another in person guest speaker: Diana Torres from Market America. She’ll be speaking about websites. We’ll also see a video from i Learning Global called “Everyday Persuasion” by Stephanie Frank.

Next week’s theme for sharing during discussion time is “Tips, tips and more tips!” Tell us about something that has helped you get ahead: a marketing tip, advice about providing better customer service, a planning tool.

And remember, Frank Reed’s book, In God We Trust: Dollar$ & Sense”, will be featured at the first quarterly book club meeting on Jan 4th. That’s your second chance to hear from Frank and speak directly with him about his book. Until then, the book is being offered at a discounted price ($15) for book club participants. Get one at the next Master Mind Mondays  meeting on December 7th.

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