More great networking on the way!

November 6, 2009 at 1:07 pm | Posted in Networking | Comments Off on More great networking on the way!
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by Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International

Using all our strength by learning to ask for help was the message of the video presentation from Jim Cathcart, i Learning Global faculty member. It reminded me that networking is how we increase the resources that we draw that strength from.

In honor of the damp and chilly season we’ve entered, let’s turn up the heat on our networking — it’ll be fun!

Mary West has planned specific ways to participate at the next two months of Master Mind Mondays meetings. Of course, if you attend but aren’t ready to participate in the theme, don’t worry — it’s optional. But I encourage you: don’t miss out by opting out.

These themes are in addition to the great i Learning Global faculty presentations on business tools we get to see every week. You can see the upcoming topics by clicking on Scheduled Meetings

Nov. 9: Getting to know you better — share two things about yourself that the group doesn’t already know. Can you surprise us?

Nov. 16: Share your goals with the group

Nov 23: Tell us about something you plan to purchase (business or personal item) in the next 30 days. Maybe a Master Minder can tell you where to get it locally, better and/or economically.

Nov. 30: Customer Service Appreciation Night. Notice good customer service you’ve received lately. Invite the person providing that service to this meeting where they’ll be honored. You’ll be telling the group what the person did to make you notice.

Dec. 7: Tips, tips and more tips! Bring a couple of helpful business tips (marketing, customer service, planning tools, etc.) to share.

Dec 14: Web Site Mania — check out other Master Mind Mondays networkers’ websites. We’ll share what we’ve learned about fellow Master Minders from their websites.

Dec 21: Christmas Party

Dec. 28: New Year’s Goals — write your goal for 2010 on an index card, share it with a fellow Master Minder who will share his or hers with you. You’ll be each other’s partners in the new year to check in on progress towards your goals.


Book Club — quarterly meetings to discuss a book related to Master Mind Mondays topics. The book club will meet right before Master Mind Mondays, from 4 to 5 pm.

  • January 4In God We Trust: Dollar$ & Sense by Frank Reed. The author will be at the meeting to participate in discussion. Group members may purchase the book from Frank for $15 (a $5 savings off the cover price).
  • Apr (exact date to be determined) — Your Ultimate Sales Force by numerous local authors. Some of the authors will attend the meeting to participate in the discussion. Group members may purchase the book for $20 (a $5 savings off the cover price).
  • July 5 — members may suggest a book to Mary for this date
  • Oct 4Creating Your Own Destiny or The Affluent Entrepreneur by Patrick Snow. The author will be there to participate in discussion. Group members may purchase the book for $20 (a $5 savings off the cover price).

Coming in 2010

Thursday, January 14: An All Networking Night event. Time and venue to be announced. We’re planning on high attendance so we’ll need to meet in a bigger place!

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