Local Resources for Business Success Abound

January 24, 2013 at 5:14 pm | Posted in Author appearance, In-person event, Networking | Comments Off on Local Resources for Business Success Abound
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Local business people can find many free or low-cost resources in Kitsap County for achieving success. They’re right in front of us – if we know where to look, and Connect-Relate-Network is here to make sure we do. At our January 15 meeting, we

  •  learned about Toastmasters International from local club members,
  •  heard about local resources for small businesses, and
  •  saw an inspiring presentation from C-R-N founder, Mary West, about creating dream boards to make our goals visible as we work to reach them.

Toastmasters for Better Speakers, Better Leaders

Connect-Relate-Network 15Jan2013

Time to Network – Toastmasters guest speaker chats with CRN members

Our non-profit presenters from Toastmasters conducted a sample meeting. Dave Harris explained aspects of Toastmasters’ excellent self-paced program for developing communication and leadership skills. He also demonstrated how a Toastmaster evaluates a speech. He delivered an analysis of Mary’s dream board presentation. His evaluation included the Toastmasters signature mix of praise for what she’d done well, along with helpful suggestions to improve her next speech. If you want to get such practical help, search for a local club at the Toastmasters International website.

Maybe in the future we can persuade Mary to tell us more about using dream boards as an effective business tool!

Local Business Resources

Thanks to visiting Toastmaster, Laura Melrose, we also found out that Kitsap County’s small business resources include:

The KEDA website, in particular, has a wealth of information about Kitsap County that local business people need to know: for starters, the “data center” and “about Kitsap” pages offer economic and demographic information; the “assistance” page tells about programs to help small businesses get started and succeed.

Remember to include Connect-Relate-Network on your personal list of local business resources!

Patrick Snow

Patrick Snow

Best-Selling Author Patrick Snow on February 5 –  Don’t Miss Him!

Patrick Snow, internationally known speaker, will speak at our February 5 meeting. Patrick will share some of his proven success methods when he presents “15 Revenue-Building Strategies to Boost Your Business.” He’s written two best-sellers – Creating Your Own Destiny and The Affluent Entrepreneur – both published by Wiley & Sons.

Patrick is an international best-selling author, professional keynote speaker, publishing coach, and Internet entrepreneur. He firmly believes we can all achieve our individual and organizational destinies when we “Dream, Plan, Execute, and Soar.” Patrick has electrified and inspired more than 1,500 audiences worldwide over the last 20 years to create their own destinies and get exactly what they want out of life and work. High achievers around the world call him “The Dean of Destiny.”

Patrick has coached more than 400 clients in achieving their goals of writing, publishing, and marketing their books. He’s coached thousands of others to build their businesses and organizations on limited budgets using his “Sales Success Formula” and “Destiny Secret.” His warm-hearted style and passion for helping others achieve stunning results in their lives, careers, and businesses fuels lasting friendships and invites expressions of gratitude from those who follow his time-tested, from-the-trenches, proven system.

You owe yourself the opportunity to spend a powerful hour with Patrick when he speaks at Connect-Relate-Network next month about

“15 Revenue-Building Strategies to Boost Your Business”

February 5, 2013

5:30-6:30 pm

Subway,  2238 NW Bucklin Hill Rd, Silverdale

Reserve your seat at this presentation by contacting Mary West: mary@marywestnetwork.com or 360-509-3784.

Peek Behind the Curtain at Connect-Relate-Network

December 11, 2012 at 12:44 pm | Posted in Entrepreneur, Networking, Non-profits | Comments Off on Peek Behind the Curtain at Connect-Relate-Network
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Does Mary West make networking look easy? She does, and it can be, but organizing a group like Connect-Relate-Network takes more preparation. Mary’s idea was to bring back and improve what had been a popular gathering in Kitsap County for local business people until she placed it on hold in 2011. Her goal for the revival: focusing C-R-N on giving members the edge to succeed in business, without sacrificing work-life balance. If you’re curious about how it came together, here’s a look behind the scenes.

What Do You Want and When (and Where) Do You Want It?

Once Mary gets an idea, she activates her network. She turned to me for help with getting the word out about the revival. We met at a high-class joint the Dairy Queen. The most significant decision that emerged from our meeting was to survey people who’d attended the previous incarnation of C-R-N, those who’d joined the Facebook group, and others in Mary’s network.

Using the web-based tool, Survey Monkey, I designed a survey to find out what people want in a business-networking group. The questions also offered choices for where and when this first group would meet. Survey Monkey distributed the survey by email and posted it on the Facebook group page. I was pleased with the response rate – of those contacted directly by email, more than a third responded. And we didn’t even offer a prize!

Mary went the extra mile, asking the survey questions during one-on-one meetings with potential members, again drawing from her own extensive network.

Meetings with Purpose

Mary developed the purpose of the group as well as its structure. She based it in large part on the survey responses. The new Connect-Relate-Network places more emphasis on members building their businesses through referrals and knowledge. Most survey respondents also had enjoyed the “fun” of the original C-R-N. We’ll maintain that spirit as well. (Go to the About page here to find out more about meetings.)

More than You Asked For

None of our survey respondents mentioned wanting this, but Mary went through her already established network to ask her contacts to offer free and discounted items as “member-only benefits” to make your membership even more valuable. (See the About page.)

Ongoing Work Behind the Scenes

Putting together two meetings of Connect-Relate-Network every month is an ongoing job. Mary comes up with topics and schedules speakers for each meeting. This takes creativity and the persistence to pursue potential speakers. Plus, she continues to promote the group, meeting in person with potential members. She also moderates each meeting, leading the group through introductions and networking time, and introducing the guest speaker.

I’ll be there, too, taking pictures, updating and monitoring the Facebook group page, and writing blog posts. In addition to sharing C-R-N news, I’ll look for information to post here about networking, small business management, entrepreneurship, social media marketing and other topics helpful to you, the members of Connect-Relate-Network, and followers of the blog.

The Future

What does it really take to keep this group going? Your participation. Come to meetings; share your business plan with the group so we know our goals and can help each other find ways to reach them. This first C-R-N group meets from 5:30 to 6:30 pm on the first and third Tuesday of each month at the Subway in Silverdale (2238 NW Bucklin Hill Rd).  Our ambition is to grow so there will be other groups meeting in other locations on different days, at different times.

Our December 18 meeting features Michele Lewis from Coffee Oasis, an outreach program offering support and guidance to homeless and at-risk youth in Kitsap County. Every month, the third Tuesday meeting features a guest from a non-profit or service organization, reflecting Connect-Relate-Network’s ongoing commitment to keep us connected to the community in which we do business.

Earlier this month, our first business topic speaker was Valarie Harris, Social MEDIvA, talking about “10 Dos and Don’ts of Social Media.” She shared more than ten great tips for navigating social media. Are there topics or speakers you’d like to see? Tell us here in the comments, or contact Mary directly, mary@marywestnetwork.com with your suggestions.

By Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International



Networking without a Net

November 26, 2012 at 3:15 pm | Posted in In-person event, Networking, Self-development | Comments Off on Networking without a Net
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We all know we must “network to get ahead” but how many of us know whether we’re doing it right? Whether we’re owners growing our businesses or employees wanting to get ahead in our careers, networking is a skill we must practice. As a member of a group like Connect-Relate-Network, whose stated purpose is to network, you practice what I call networking with a net. Networking becomes second nature, so you can do it “without a net.”

Ferry Crossing Puget Sound

What Is Networking without a Net(work)?

I took a ferry to Edmonds recently to attend a writers’ conference full of workshops about writing, publishing and marketing. Looking around the conference, I noticed lots of networking. Was it advertised as a networking event? Not at all. Yet, for many of these writers, the networking made the event worthwhile. Writing is a solitary act. Surrounded by other writers who share similar struggles, we made a lot of noise for folks who usually communicate in writing.

We were noisy with the excitement of networking without a net. By “without a net” I mean, it was not promoted as a networking opportunity. However, for those who came prepared, there were many chances to connect. I’m following up with valuable contacts made that weekend.

We don’t always think about networking with others in the same business. It seems counter-intuitive. “Aren’t they my competitors?” you ask. Perhaps. But you might find a partner for a project that’s bigger than either of you could handle alone. If your industry or the product you represent has national or regional organizations or conferences, join and attend. You’ll stay current with new trends and up to date information affecting your business.

Aaron Murphy is a Kitsap County based architect and owner of ADM Architecture. He told me why he takes time from his business to get on a ferry to attend American Institute of Architecture events in Seattle. “Being in a rural community, or as smaller business owners, we can become detached from progress. In a room with 500 people who are in the same field, you can get your continuing education almost by osmosis (though you’re not going to get credits for it).”

Aaron also belongs to the home builders’ association in Kitsap County. First he checked with other architects who belong to find out what they got from membership. While we might hesitate to ask “rivals” for advice, Aaron said we’d be surprised that they will often share freely of their knowledge and experience. His fellow architects confirmed that the KHBA could be a good place for him to make connections.

While the majority of the organization’s members are contractors, even they might be competing for the same business. “There may be a couple of contractors in there that are doing home design and ‘taking work away from me,’” Aaron said. “But more often than not the reality is that they may meet a client before I do. They need to know and like me, too. They’re part of my referral base.” On the other hand, when Aaron has the first contact with clients, he has the chance to recommend the best builder for their project – the other side of the networking equation.

More Ways to Get out of Your Net(work)

Networking is not “sell, sell, sell” all the time. Let yourself be known and trusted – sales and referrals will follow. Concentrate on learning about the people you meet – their goals, as well as their needs and challenges – so that networking is a win-win activity.

Where else can you network without a net? (You don’t always have to take a ferry, like Aaron or I did.) You can think of others better suited to you, but here’s a starter list:

  • Local chamber of commerce
  • Alumni association
  • Continuing education classes (local community college, your professional organization)
  • Self-improvement courses and events (e.g., Toastmasters – my personal favorite – for leadership and speaking confidence)
  • Community service organizations (Rotary, Kiwanis)

While those require you to show up in person, you can now perform your networking act on the web, through social media: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

Social media, is changing rapidly; there’s always more to learn.

For more information, come to an in-person event with social media expert Valarie Harris, SocialMEDIvA, speaking on “The 10 Dos and Don’ts in Social Media.”

When: December 4, 2012, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm at the debut of the new Connect-Relate-Network

Where: the Subway sandwich shop (meeting room), 2238 NW Bucklin Hill Road, Silverdale WA

At Connect-Relate-Network, where our purpose is networking and referring,  you can network with a net. C-R-N’s supportive framework prepares you for networking without a net. Find out more about how you’ll benefit from C-R-N here.

 posted by Elena M. Rodriguez

September 21 Master Mind Mondays Network of Networkers Night

September 24, 2009 at 3:59 pm | Posted in Networking | Comments Off on September 21 Master Mind Mondays Network of Networkers Night
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by Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International

What a great meeting it was with so many enthusiastic networkers. We heard about several other local networking groups all around Kitsap County. Some meet weekly, twice a month or monthly. A couple are for women business owners and entrepreneurs only, but there truly was something for everyone, including our own Master Mind Mondays weekly gatherings (men and women always welcome).

I’ve put links to some of the other groups’ web pages on our Facebook page, so feel free to surf on over to check those out. (The link is on the right side of this page — it’ll take you straight there.)

There must have been close to 50 people filling up and buzzing around the room at the Taprock. Many great new connections were made. I made a few myself.  If you attended, tell us what you thought. Comments are welcome here.

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