Change Gears – From Overwhelm to Overdrive – With Connect-Relate-Network

March 29, 2013 at 3:30 pm | Posted in Entrepreneur, Networking, Self-development | Comments Off on Change Gears – From Overwhelm to Overdrive – With Connect-Relate-Network
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Changing Seasons, Changing Gears

We’ve been talking at CRN about mapping our ways to success through goal setting and business planning. But do you feel overwhelmed now by all the things you want to do, plus the things you must do?

I probably feel that way at least once a day! The key, I’ve found, is to harness that feeling. Turn it into energy to keep moving forward. The spring sunshine we’re enjoying may help bring your energy up – but you may need something more.2013-03-27 Daffodils

Are you looking around  for advice on how to escape from overwhelm and get into overdrive? (Overdrive:  the ability to move forward efficiently, with clarity and confidence.)

If this describes your feelings (even sometimes), then CRN’s founder Mary West has booked the right speaker for you at our April 2nd meeting.

Aaron to the Rescue

Aaron Logue, a locally based life coach, is coming to our rescue. Here’s how Mary described Aaron’s work: “Caught in a vicious cycle of busy, buried and behind? Every leader knows that feeling. You think that if you work harder, faster, and longer, you’ll eventually get ahead. But no matter how hard you try, you keep falling further behind. Aaron can help!”

Mary endorses Aaron based on direct experience: he’s her life coach.

Sounds like he has the advice we need to hear when he speaks, at the next Connect-Relate-Network meeting in Silverdale, about “How to Lead and Still Have a Life.”

He’ll base his talk on what he has learned from leadership expert Dale Burke.

If you question whether you’re a leader, don’t. If you’re in business for yourself, or want to build your own company, and you’ve joined our networking group, I know you’re a leader.

Members – Remember Your Goals and Business Plans

CRN members: bring a copy of your business goals or one-page summary business plan to our meeting. It should be in writing (or tell it in pictures) to share with the rest of our members. (If you haven’t written down your goals for the next six or 12 months, or created a business plan and ideal customer description, check out my earlier blog posts with tips for getting started, HERE and HERE)

Visitors are welcome at our Silverdale meetings. First time visitors attend free, with a $10 fee for any subsequent visits. We meet every first and third Tuesday at the Subway at 2238 NW Bucklin Hill Road, Silverdale (WA). Our events page will have more about upcoming meetings; find out more about our business networking group HERE.

Subscribe to this blog to stay informed about when and where we’ll be opening up new Connect-Relate-Network groups (Poulsbo coming soon!) and for occasional tips to help entrepreneurs and small business people.

Comments are always welcome here!

posted by Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International



September 14 MMM Meeting

September 15, 2009 at 5:48 pm | Posted in Networking | Comments Off on September 14 MMM Meeting
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by Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International

The theme was leadership, and Kristina did a great job of leading us through the evening. The i Learning Global video presentation was from one of the true masters, Brian Tracy. He spoke about the 7 Responsibilities of Leadership.

The list, while short and presented quickly, was meaty and to the point. One of the responsibilities that seemed to resonate particularly with the group was the leader’s responsibility to set priorities, identifying key tasks and activities.

The group discussion included many great comments about that particular responsibility (number 4 of the 7 on Brian’s list).  Brian had talked about our infinite capacity to procrastinate by working on low priority tasks. If we have a list of ten things we want to achieve, and the priority tasks are numbers one, two and three, we’ll procrastinate by working on numbers eight, nine and ten.

One of the folks at the meeting reminded us that if those first three tasks are going to make us money, and the bottom tasks aren’t, we’d be better off diving right in to do the top three and paying someone else to do the low priority tasks. Or, if we are lucky enough to have employees and assistants on our payrolls — learn to delegate!

We should always ask ourselves, “What’s the most valuable use of my time now?” And remember what Brian Tracy said: “Once a minute is used, you can never get it back.”

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