Top 10 Reasons to Attend MMM, and So Long for Now

December 30, 2009 at 4:52 pm | Posted in Networking | Comments Off on Top 10 Reasons to Attend MMM, and So Long for Now
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by Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International

Top Ten Reasons to Attend Master Mind Mondays in 2010

Happy and Prosperous New Year!

To learn:

1)     from the great i Learning Global faculty presentations on video (and in person)

2)     from the guest presenters, local experts lined up by Mary

3)      from each other

To promote our businesses, products and services by:

4)     introducing ourselves

5)     passing around our business cards

6)     offering samples and examples of what we do

To encourage and motivate our fellow entrepreneurs, and to in turn be encouraged and motivated:

7)     If we’re stuck, Master Mind Mondays helps get us “unstuck.”

8)     Most of us have been “there” (wherever that happens to be at the moment) and can offer insights on how to get out (or go further in, if that’s the way forward).

9)     Some of us “solo-preneurs” benefit from the connections made and interesting discussions on business-related topics every Monday.

10)We celebrate each others’ wins, and encourage each other to recover from setbacks.

That’s what we’ve received during the start up phase of Master Mind Mondays that began last summer. You can count on receiving that and more in 2010 from Master Mind Mondays. Can’t attend every week? That’s OK. Just come as often as you can. Commit to doing something nice for yourself next year. Give yourself the gift of knowledge, a wider network, and more visibility in the local business community. That all comes with attending regularly.

Next Week

Come to the Master Mind Mondays Kick Off Event at the next meeting, January 4, 5:15-7:00 PM (special extended time for more networking), at the Taprock Northwest Grill. Tell a friend; mention it to another business owner. Spread the word that MMM is here for anyone who wants to improve themselves, their business, and to tap into a great network of local business people

Celebrate 2010

Celebrate Your Accomplishments

Looking Back on 2009 and So Long for Now

At this time of year, many folks make resolutions and set goals. That’s all good – and not just at this time of year. Recommendation: before you go any further thinking about what should be on your to-do list, start making what I call a “done did” list. Yes, completely grammatically incorrect – but it makes me laugh, a good thing. I guarantee a list of projects completed and accomplishments achieved in 2009 will cheer you up. I encourage you to include even the smallest achievement. Sometimes it’s the smallest things that need to be “done did” before we can move on with our big plans. You may be surprised at how long a “done did” list you can make.

Finally, with this entry I say “so long” to blogging regularly for Master Mind Mondays — for now. I won’t say good-bye (too final), but “hasta luego” (until later). Meanwhile, I’ll see you at Master Mind Mondays next week. Bring a friend. Let’s fill the room. This kick off event will get 2010 off to a great start!

Now — tell me what’s your favorite reason for attending Master Mind Mondays?

Prophets Equal Profits: “Minister of Finance” Frank Reed tells how

December 1, 2009 at 3:00 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment
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by Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International

When was the last time you consulted the Bible for principles to guide you to financial prosperity and career success? Frank Reed, author and speaker, gave an in-person presentation at the Nov. 30th Master Mind Mondays meeting. He explained and expanded on just one of the many such principles he’s found.

He asked us to consider the motivational authors many of us know and rely on for inspiration and wisdom. Frank then pointed out how most of them are repeating knowledge which can be found in a book that’s more than 2,000 years old. For example, Zig Ziglar’s “You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want” is just a different way of saying, “You reap what you sow.” Many of us already know these principles from the Bible – we learned them as children. Frank has a way of making these ideas come alive for a modern audience.

Frank’s core message was about double-mindedness. If we say we want success, but we don’t take the actions to achieve success, we are double-minded, like the man we’re warned of in James 1:5-7. (Frank smiled when he acknowledged that, to look this up, some of us may need to blow the dust off our Bibles.)

Randi and Frank Reed

Frank’s lovely wife, Randi, was with him at this meeting. She’s usually up in the air with American Airlines as a flight attendant, so we were lucky to have her there.

Time to Decorate

Some of us grabbed the opportunity to get a head start on our Christmas decorating. Our other visitors last night were Rupert and Ani from Gaiseni Compassionate Ministries. They brought samples of the beautiful wreaths, centerpieces and swags Ani makes. Money from the sales supports their ministry for children in Romania. (I’ve got my new wreath up on the front door, as you can see right here.) Rupert and Ani are also selling Christmast trees on Sundays in Silverdale. Contact them at for more information.

Looking Ahead

December 7th we have another in person guest speaker: Diana Torres from Market America. She’ll be speaking about websites. We’ll also see a video from i Learning Global called “Everyday Persuasion” by Stephanie Frank.

Next week’s theme for sharing during discussion time is “Tips, tips and more tips!” Tell us about something that has helped you get ahead: a marketing tip, advice about providing better customer service, a planning tool.

And remember, Frank Reed’s book, In God We Trust: Dollar$ & Sense”, will be featured at the first quarterly book club meeting on Jan 4th. That’s your second chance to hear from Frank and speak directly with him about his book. Until then, the book is being offered at a discounted price ($15) for book club participants. Get one at the next Master Mind Mondays  meeting on December 7th.

More great networking on the way!

November 6, 2009 at 1:07 pm | Posted in Networking | Comments Off on More great networking on the way!
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by Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International

Using all our strength by learning to ask for help was the message of the video presentation from Jim Cathcart, i Learning Global faculty member. It reminded me that networking is how we increase the resources that we draw that strength from.

In honor of the damp and chilly season we’ve entered, let’s turn up the heat on our networking — it’ll be fun!

Mary West has planned specific ways to participate at the next two months of Master Mind Mondays meetings. Of course, if you attend but aren’t ready to participate in the theme, don’t worry — it’s optional. But I encourage you: don’t miss out by opting out.

These themes are in addition to the great i Learning Global faculty presentations on business tools we get to see every week. You can see the upcoming topics by clicking on Scheduled Meetings

Nov. 9: Getting to know you better — share two things about yourself that the group doesn’t already know. Can you surprise us?

Nov. 16: Share your goals with the group

Nov 23: Tell us about something you plan to purchase (business or personal item) in the next 30 days. Maybe a Master Minder can tell you where to get it locally, better and/or economically.

Nov. 30: Customer Service Appreciation Night. Notice good customer service you’ve received lately. Invite the person providing that service to this meeting where they’ll be honored. You’ll be telling the group what the person did to make you notice.

Dec. 7: Tips, tips and more tips! Bring a couple of helpful business tips (marketing, customer service, planning tools, etc.) to share.

Dec 14: Web Site Mania — check out other Master Mind Mondays networkers’ websites. We’ll share what we’ve learned about fellow Master Minders from their websites.

Dec 21: Christmas Party

Dec. 28: New Year’s Goals — write your goal for 2010 on an index card, share it with a fellow Master Minder who will share his or hers with you. You’ll be each other’s partners in the new year to check in on progress towards your goals.


Book Club — quarterly meetings to discuss a book related to Master Mind Mondays topics. The book club will meet right before Master Mind Mondays, from 4 to 5 pm.

  • January 4In God We Trust: Dollar$ & Sense by Frank Reed. The author will be at the meeting to participate in discussion. Group members may purchase the book from Frank for $15 (a $5 savings off the cover price).
  • Apr (exact date to be determined) — Your Ultimate Sales Force by numerous local authors. Some of the authors will attend the meeting to participate in the discussion. Group members may purchase the book for $20 (a $5 savings off the cover price).
  • July 5 — members may suggest a book to Mary for this date
  • Oct 4Creating Your Own Destiny or The Affluent Entrepreneur by Patrick Snow. The author will be there to participate in discussion. Group members may purchase the book for $20 (a $5 savings off the cover price).

Coming in 2010

Thursday, January 14: An All Networking Night event. Time and venue to be announced. We’re planning on high attendance so we’ll need to meet in a bigger place!

October 19 Master Mind Mondays meeting

October 20, 2009 at 6:35 pm | Posted in Networking | 2 Comments
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by Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International

Preparing for Master Mind Mondaysb 19Oct09

Just before the fun started at MMM

Never say Master Minders let a technical glitch stand in their way. This week we networked and shared really valuable ideas with one another in spite of not having the usual instructional video to get us started. Unfortunately, the Leslie Householder presentation had to be postponed because i Learning Global’s website was temporarily down for the count (doing technical maintenance).

The technical glitch was fortuitous. It gave us more time to concentrate on two attendees’ situations. Both needed advice on promoting their businesses – and encouragement to take the next step. The group came through with good ideas. Discussion leader, Kristina Smith, is holding them accountable for taking the next step by asking them to report their progress at the next meeting. Homework!

Frank Reed, author of "In God We Trust: Dollar$ & Sense"

Frank Reed, author of "In God We Trust: Dollar$ & Sense"

One example: Frank wants to promote the public speaking side of his business. Suggestions included creating short video “best of” clips to post on his website, on YouTube, and to burn to DVDs. The DVDs would be included in promotional packages mailed to potential clients. Where to find low-cost technical expertise to get the videos done? Students!

Homework, students – sounds like we’re heading back to school. Well, some of us never left. We’re life-long learners, applying what we learn to our businesses.

One challenge to applying what we know: lack of confidence. And this isn’t helped by working on our own, as many of us do. Sometimes the problem is we don’t know how to do something. But just as often, we know how to do something – or we know what has to happen next – we just can’t summon the self-confidence to take the next step. Partners or employees from whom we received frequent feedback might make us surer of our own capabilities.

That’s where a group of like-minded networkers can help. We suggest solutions, and offer encouragement to act on those suggestions. This can make the difference in whether someone believes he or she can take that next step, solve the problem, reach out to get the service or technical assistance needed.

What have you heard or learned at our meetings – from either the formal presentations or the group discussions – that you’ve applied to your business, your life? Or feel free to make another comment about the last meeting here.

October 12 Master Mind Mondays meeting

October 15, 2009 at 1:53 pm | Posted in Networking, Uncategorized | Comments Off on October 12 Master Mind Mondays meeting
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by Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International

“Adversity” was the topic — but I missed the meeting! Happy to say it was not due to any adversity in my life. But I was spending time with a visiting relative who’s faced a lot in the past decade: the death of her dear husband, followed two years later by the loss of their beloved youngest son. Yet on she sails, in her ninth decade of life, traveling all over the world, often on her own. I want to be like her when I grow up!

Her visit made me think about adversity and how we face it. She’s made part of the focus of her life the care and nurturing of a sister who is a very difficult personality. In spite of spats and spates of ingratitude, she continues to care for her sister, sympathizing more than I would were I in her place. But I have yet to fact the depth of adversity she has. It’s given her a capacity for empathy I have yet to reach.

What can business adversity teach us? Empathy, perhaps. But more importantly in a business context, it teaches us to go back and make a stronger foundation on which to build future success. When we face a setback, do we hide away? We’d better not. We’d better remember: there’s another phone call to make, another networking meeting to attend, another opportunity to meet the next person who will contribute to our ultimate success. Meanwhile, life is always ready to teach us that business success doesn’t necessarily define us, or even defend us from all that the future may bring.

I welcome your comments about what you’ve learned from adversity.

September 28 Master Mind Mondays Meeting

September 29, 2009 at 2:13 pm | Posted in Networking | Comments Off on September 28 Master Mind Mondays Meeting
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by Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International

Every week I walk away from our Master Mind Mondays meeting charged up, ready to put into action the valuable tips I’ve heard in the presentations and from my fellow attendees. This week was no different, but there was something more. I was emotionally moved.

First, there were the ideas in the video presentations about searching for ways to be of service to others, to promote other people’s businesses — even that of competitors. Yes, the bottom line was that such acts of altruism would eventually come back to benefit the giver, but still, this giving/helping model isn’t usually the one that’s promoted for networkers to adopt.

Then, I was moved by one of our new guests, Chris, who quoted the creed of the business he represents, The Modern Woodmen of America. I hope Chris, and the MWA, don’t mind my quoting the creed here:

“There is a destiny that makes us brothers;

None goes his way alone;

All that we send into the lives of others

Comes back into our own.”

— Edwin Markham

Finally, Fay gave a wonderful testimonial to one of Master Mind Mondays’ founding members, Mary. Fay said that Mary epitomizes this behavior, always looking for ways to connect other people, and not first and foremost pushing herself or her products. I’ve also noticed this about Mary — and I think of her as a great example of networking in action.

I was sorry I had to depart early, while discussions were still going on. But I was off to help a newcomer to public speaking improve his speaking and presentation skills at a Speechcraft put on by my Toastmasters club — one of the ways I try to give back and help others on their paths to success.

August 31 Meeting Summary

September 1, 2009 at 2:19 pm | Posted in Networking | Comments Off on August 31 Meeting Summary
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by Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International

The topic selection was “viewers’ choice” as to what video we would watch from i Learning Global’s library of business training tools. The votes split between Time Management and Life Balance. So we started with Life Balance, but later moved on to Time Management – since we had Time!

The Life Balance topic was presented in two brief videos, the first from Marcia Weider. Then the group was touched by a story in Jim Cathcart’s video. He told about calling from a road trip to make a date with his son to have a sleep over in his son’s room when he returned home. There may have been a few tearful eyes in the room after hearing that story.

Since we had time to get a taste of i Learning Global’s Time Management material, i Learning Global reps Mary West and Kristina Smith agreed we should watch a presentation from Alex Madossian. He gave us a straightforward five step process for Strategic Planning. It would save any business person a lot of time planning for any outcome he or she wants to achieve. My favorite quote from his presentation: “Spectacular achievement is always preceded by spectacular planning.”

REMEMBER:  Master Mind Mondays will not meet Labor Day.

September 14, 2009 is the next Master Mind Mondays meeting at the Taprock Northwest Grill, 5:15-6:15 PM.

September 21: Plan to attend the special Master Mind Mondays All Networking night. Other networking groups will be represented, saying what they’re about and how to find them. There will be extra networking time as this meeting will end at 7:00.

August 24 Meeting Summary

August 28, 2009 at 9:40 pm | Posted in Networking | Comments Off on August 24 Meeting Summary
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by Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International

It was a great meeting, led by Mary West (of the Snow Group and

Here’s a summary of what was packed into just one hour last Monday evening.

Introductions – everyone introduced themselves and their businesses

Relationship Intelligence – Mary West kicked off the meeting with a great Q&A audience participation piece based on Jim Cathcart’s work on Relationship Intelligence. She first asked us to complete the phrase “It’s not what you know it’s ______” We were all star pupils, able to complete the sentence with “who you know.” A few steps later, we all realized that the path to success doesn’t stop there. What counts is “Who is GLAD they know you.” And when people are glad to know you, you’re demonstrating relationship intelligence. Mary gave us lots more in her brief presentation and handout – you should have been there!

i Learning Global – Patrick Snow (of the Snow Group and an i Learning Global faculty member) gave a very short overview of i Learning Global and it’s tools for improving your business and your life.

Time Management – Patrick followed up with a talk on Time Management, demonstrating how he masters time. Using his preferred time management tool, he meets business objectives and still enjoys a balanced life. He also gave us an overall method that works with whatever tool you use – a paper calendar, a bound agenda, a PDA or Outlook calendar.

Master Mind Discussion – everyone attending had valuable advice and stories about authentic relationships in business and time management – revealing what works (for the rest of us to try) and what doesn’t work (behaviors for us to avoid).

More Networking – When the official meeting closed at 6:15, plenty of attendees stayed behind talking in small groups, exchanging more business cards, and making connections that will prove fruitful in the future.

Don’t miss the next meeting, August 31, 2009 at 5:15 PM at the Taprock Northwest Grill in Poulsbo.

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