How to Speak with Comfort – Next Connect-Relate-Network Brings Us Ann Sloan’s Speak Your Power

December 2, 2013 at 3:07 pm | Posted in Networking, Self-development | Comments Off on How to Speak with Comfort – Next Connect-Relate-Network Brings Us Ann Sloan’s Speak Your Power
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If you’ve ever wished for more confidence when you speak to a group, you’ll want to attend the next Connect-Relate-Network meeting December 3rd, 1:30 to 2:30 pm.

We’ll welcome Ann Sloan, a trained practitioner of Speaking Circles, who will introduce our group to her Speak Your Power method.

As Ann describes it, this presentation provides you with a practical, experiential introduction to a method—actually what could be called a “no technique-technique” — that works near miraculously to put both speakers and listeners at ease. No matter your current level of speaking skills, come and experience the joy of being fully present and the transformational “art of being radiantly yourself!”

I have experienced Ann’s method and highly recommend it. You don’t need to have anything prepared that you want to speak about in order to benefit from this event.

We’ll devote most of the hour to allowing Ann time to introduce us to this powerful technique. Nevertheless, you know we always manage to squeeze some networking in, so remember to bring business cards.

Join us at Stella’s Pizza & Pasta, 19980 10th Ave NE, Poulsbo, Washington 98370.

Please try to arrive before our 1:30 start time, especially if you want to order food.

See you there!

 Elena M. Rodriguez
writer & editor
Pacific Press International

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