Local Resources for Business Success Abound

January 24, 2013 at 5:14 pm | Posted in Author appearance, In-person event, Networking | Comments Off on Local Resources for Business Success Abound
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Local business people can find many free or low-cost resources in Kitsap County for achieving success. They’re right in front of us – if we know where to look, and Connect-Relate-Network is here to make sure we do. At our January 15 meeting, we

  •  learned about Toastmasters International from local club members,
  •  heard about local resources for small businesses, and
  •  saw an inspiring presentation from C-R-N founder, Mary West, about creating dream boards to make our goals visible as we work to reach them.

Toastmasters for Better Speakers, Better Leaders

Connect-Relate-Network 15Jan2013

Time to Network – Toastmasters guest speaker chats with CRN members

Our non-profit presenters from Toastmasters conducted a sample meeting. Dave Harris explained aspects of Toastmasters’ excellent self-paced program for developing communication and leadership skills. He also demonstrated how a Toastmaster evaluates a speech. He delivered an analysis of Mary’s dream board presentation. His evaluation included the Toastmasters signature mix of praise for what she’d done well, along with helpful suggestions to improve her next speech. If you want to get such practical help, search for a local club at the Toastmasters International website.

Maybe in the future we can persuade Mary to tell us more about using dream boards as an effective business tool!

Local Business Resources

Thanks to visiting Toastmaster, Laura Melrose, we also found out that Kitsap County’s small business resources include:

The KEDA website, in particular, has a wealth of information about Kitsap County that local business people need to know: for starters, the “data center” and “about Kitsap” pages offer economic and demographic information; the “assistance” page tells about programs to help small businesses get started and succeed.

Remember to include Connect-Relate-Network on your personal list of local business resources!

Patrick Snow

Patrick Snow

Best-Selling Author Patrick Snow on February 5 –  Don’t Miss Him!

Patrick Snow, internationally known speaker, will speak at our February 5 meeting. Patrick will share some of his proven success methods when he presents “15 Revenue-Building Strategies to Boost Your Business.” He’s written two best-sellers – Creating Your Own Destiny and The Affluent Entrepreneur – both published by Wiley & Sons.

Patrick is an international best-selling author, professional keynote speaker, publishing coach, and Internet entrepreneur. He firmly believes we can all achieve our individual and organizational destinies when we “Dream, Plan, Execute, and Soar.” Patrick has electrified and inspired more than 1,500 audiences worldwide over the last 20 years to create their own destinies and get exactly what they want out of life and work. High achievers around the world call him “The Dean of Destiny.”

Patrick has coached more than 400 clients in achieving their goals of writing, publishing, and marketing their books. He’s coached thousands of others to build their businesses and organizations on limited budgets using his “Sales Success Formula” and “Destiny Secret.” His warm-hearted style and passion for helping others achieve stunning results in their lives, careers, and businesses fuels lasting friendships and invites expressions of gratitude from those who follow his time-tested, from-the-trenches, proven system.

You owe yourself the opportunity to spend a powerful hour with Patrick when he speaks at Connect-Relate-Network next month about

“15 Revenue-Building Strategies to Boost Your Business”

February 5, 2013

5:30-6:30 pm

Subway,  2238 NW Bucklin Hill Rd, Silverdale

Reserve your seat at this presentation by contacting Mary West: mary@marywestnetwork.com or 360-509-3784.

September 28 Master Mind Mondays Meeting

September 29, 2009 at 2:13 pm | Posted in Networking | Comments Off on September 28 Master Mind Mondays Meeting
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by Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International

Every week I walk away from our Master Mind Mondays meeting charged up, ready to put into action the valuable tips I’ve heard in the presentations and from my fellow attendees. This week was no different, but there was something more. I was emotionally moved.

First, there were the ideas in the video presentations about searching for ways to be of service to others, to promote other people’s businesses — even that of competitors. Yes, the bottom line was that such acts of altruism would eventually come back to benefit the giver, but still, this giving/helping model isn’t usually the one that’s promoted for networkers to adopt.

Then, I was moved by one of our new guests, Chris, who quoted the creed of the business he represents, The Modern Woodmen of America. I hope Chris, and the MWA, don’t mind my quoting the creed here:

“There is a destiny that makes us brothers;

None goes his way alone;

All that we send into the lives of others

Comes back into our own.”

— Edwin Markham

Finally, Fay gave a wonderful testimonial to one of Master Mind Mondays’ founding members, Mary. Fay said that Mary epitomizes this behavior, always looking for ways to connect other people, and not first and foremost pushing herself or her products. I’ve also noticed this about Mary — and I think of her as a great example of networking in action.

I was sorry I had to depart early, while discussions were still going on. But I was off to help a newcomer to public speaking improve his speaking and presentation skills at a Speechcraft put on by my Toastmasters club — one of the ways I try to give back and help others on their paths to success.

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