Master Minds Mondays meeting Oct 26, 2009

October 27, 2009 at 9:03 pm | Posted in Networking, Uncategorized | 4 Comments
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by Elena M. Rodriguez, Pacific Press International

This week we had a live presentation from Lesli Dullum – what a treat! Lesli’s business is called Optimal Wellness Consulting. She’s an author, speaker and workshop leader. She presented a mini-workshop: Best Lived Moments. She urged, “Step out of your comfort zone” in order to reach those best lived moments.

Mary and Lesli 26Oct09

Mary and Lesli at MMM Oct 26

Lesli told us there are two key questions to ask that will encourage us to step out:

“So?” and  “What’s next?”

So? – as in “so what if I fail.” We learn as much (if not more) from  failure as we do from success. And if we fail, what’s next? Failure isn’t the end, it’s just a step on the path. And shouldn’t we be asking what’s next all the time, whether we fail or succeed?

Lesli challenged us to leave our comfort zone for a while by taking a few simple steps:

  • Tomorrow – do something different in your personal life, something you’ve been thinking of but putting off.
  • Do something different in your business.
  • In the next 30 days, plan for an event so far outside of your comfort zone, it makes your knees knock (and email Lesli at to tell her what that is)
  • Plan the what, where, when, with whom and how of that knee-knocking event and share the plan with a friend
  • And if you do none of the above, at least take a different route to work tomorrow!

It was great to have such an enthusiastic live presenter. If you’re missing the i Learning Global videos, they’re definitely back at the next meeting. Next week will be a presentation from Jim Cathcart, expert on motivation and Relationship Intelligence ™, and author of Relationship Selling: The 8 Competencies of Top Sales Producers ™.

Also next week: Kristina will be back and I bet she’ll want to know what steps our Master Minds from last week have taken as a result of last week’s discussion.

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